For Building Product Manufacturers

Your go-to-market platform to drive sales and specifications

Understand your market, drive product interest, 
and turn prospects into customers.

Monthly Active Users
1.25 million1
Monthly web traffic
94% coverage
Across top 100 design firms

Engage one of the biggest audiences in AEC

Amplify your brand across architecture, construction, and trade industries
Understand the codes and assemblies driving product selection
Reach the largest audience across every user segment

Drive project-to-product fit

Optimize your product’s potential with smart matching and targeted engagement.
Intelligently target and connect with designers and builders
Educate designers and builders to find better matches for your products
Cut through the noise to the projects that best match your brand

View detailed engagement analytics

Decode product selection insights across user segments, geographies, and projects.
Break down engagement by user segment, geography, and project type
Understand how designers find your products on our platform
See engagement for assemblies and corresponding products

Strategically target the right leads

Know your position, understand your competition, and filter opportunities.
Know when your brand’s products are chosen for a project
See where and when your competition’s products are chosen
Filter upcoming and active projects by owner, designer, project type, and value

Schedule a Demo

Learn how UpCodes can help you reach decision-makers at the perfect time.

  1. Based on monthly US web traffic according to SimilarWeb (Nov 2023)